Monday, June 02, 2008


When you are wearing everything in life as an accessory, and put the sturdiest things on as shields, the things you control completely, things aren't supposed to hurt.

But what if wings where only an accessory in the beginning. and now.. they're my tool to freedom. A real part of my soul, and a huge enjoyment.

Well I lost my accessory, the most important one, the one I was so spoiled by, the one that taught me the most about success and freedom... About expression and self-worthiness.

So while the clouds hang waiting for miss scarlet to tickle them by zooming through the dew, I'll be setting here.. staring at them... missing the feeling of wet hair on my back and wind giving me goose bumps. I'll be looking up at them wishing that I could drift through them again and forget about the world, but without my wings, the best I have is memories.

I hope they understand why I don't whip through them and close my eyes feeling there happiness rapping around me anymore. I hope that they know I long for them just as much as they long for my smile, and I hope they know, I'll try to recruit someone who can love them as much as I did.

Hard to believe anyone could love them more than I do..did...I do.

I can't believe its happening.

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